Webinar Recap – Are You Insured For Miracles?

Did you miss our webinar on gene and cellular therapies? We’ll be highlighting some of our favorite quotes and highlight videos on our LinkedIn page. You can also watch the full video recording above or on our YouTube channel.

Are You Insured For Miracles?

Preparing Your Health Plan for the Gene & Cellular Therapy Revolution

Modern medicine is advancing like never before with new “miracle” treatments offering hope and healing for those battling cancer or inherited diseases like cystic fibrosis or hemophilias. These treatments are exciting and life-giving for employees on your health plan,

However, the price tags associated with these and future treatments can be potentially devastating to self-funded employers. With additional FDA approved treatments on the horizon for 2023 and beyond, employers need to begin examining the potential cost implications, as well as legal and regulatory considerations related to these treatments.


Eric Barker RPh.

Chief Growth Officer
True RX Health Strategists

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Josh McGee

Vice President of Program Development
Stealth Partner Group, an Amwins Group Company

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Attorney Jennifer McCormick

Senior Vice President
Phia Group Consulting

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Anne Jackson

Principal & Consulting Actuary – Health Practice

Anne’s Bio

Webinar Hosts

Ben Conner

Conner Insurance

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