
10 Potential Causes of Employee COVID-19 Lawsuits

10 Potential Causes of Employee COVID-19 Lawsuits

The novel coronavirus that broke out in the winter has caused immeasurable suffering, both physical and economic. For employers struggling to stay in business, this is a fraught time where mistakes in managing their workforces could lead to employee lawsuits. Here are...

Update – 4-29-20

Today I have some information for you related to the growing picture of the "new normal" that is starting to develop.  Across all industries we are staring to see the pace of change speed up, with examples being the proliferation of telemedicine/virtual visits in...

Coronavirus Update – 4-27-20

As a new week begins it is clear that the general focus is shifting from flattening the curve to transitioning into a new normal with significantly increased economic activity.  My update today has a number of items related on looking forward to the new...

Coronavirus update – 4-22-20

I hope that your week is off to a good start, and you and your family are remaining healthy. While the pace of change has slowed a bit in the last week, we have a number of useful pieces of information for you.  Stimulus 3.5 and 4.0: You've likely seen that a bill...

Tips for Successful Telecommuting During Outbreak

Tips for Successful Telecommuting During Outbreak

As the coronavirus spread ramps up and more people are being asked to self-isolate, many employers are scrambling to put systems in place to allow their employees to telecommute.  Many companies are not set up for telecommuting arrangements, and they have...